
This question arises every time a new technology appears on the market that could revolutionize an entire industry: what is cheaper - this new or older technology? It is fully understandable - the manufacturers promise maximum savings with the highest quality, so the only thing...

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More and more plants that cut pipes as well as other metal and steel elements are starting to use the Fiber laser as the preferred method of surface treatment. Not without a reason - this solution brings a number of benefits, ranging from economic ones,...

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For cutting metals that conduct electricity well, such as aluminum, it is worth using a plasma cutter. This machine cuts extremely fast, and can also handle material with a thickness of up to 100 mm. Moreover, these cutters are very efficient and their monthly operating...

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Subjected to enormous pressure, water together with the addition of abrasive material is able to cut even a ten-centimeter sheet. It would seem that with such force, it is impossible to precisely mill and work on small elements, but nothing could be further from the...

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They allow not only cutting out elements, but also engraving and marking, they are suitable for the automotive industry and machine construction, as well as for the production of stamps or stone engraving. Laser cutters use modern technology to create precise cuts in a very...

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